class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ #
applications in resource management
] .author[ ###
Josh Erickson
] .institute[ ###
USDA-Forest Service
] --- ## About Me - Hydrologist (day job); Kootenai National Forest -- - Focus is leveraging computing platforms (R, Python, GEE) for resource management work. -- - In my free time I like work on open source packages in R; [{tidyrgee}](, [{gwavr}](, [{whitewater}]( .me-box[] --- ## Shout out -- Joe Fortier - Northern Region Geospatial Group .so-box[] -- Sam Lammie - NRGG Program Manager -- [weblidar-treetop]( - A lot of inspiration was built off of this! --- ## Outline -- - Quick overview of the app. <center> .trexr-box[] </center> -- - Go through a demo of the app. -- - Possible use case (toy example). --- ## What is trexr? -- - .blue[{trexr}] stands for Tree Exploration in R -- - A free open source software .blue[(FOSS)] application ( <img src="" height="30px"> ); essentially a tool... -- - Provides users the ability to look at canopy height models (CHM) in a few different ways. -- 1. Descriptive Stats -- 2. Graphs -- 3. Interactive Maps -- 4. 3-d Visualization -- <img src="trexr_files/www/images/wth.png" alt="Units" width="400px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:750px; bottom:20px"> - *Hopefully* a tool for natural resource practitioners to use! --- <center> <h2>Advantages vs. Disadvantages</h2> </center> <center> <br> <a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a><div><a href="">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div> </center> --- ## Advantages -- - Great for winter time eda or time sensitive analysis -- - Crop images, different mapping layers, stats, etc. -- - Works well next to a GIS platform -- - Really helps with planning and visualizing outliers. -- ## Disadvantages (IMO) -- - Language specific (R) -- - Not programmed asynchronously -- - Not a GIS --- <center> <h1> DEMO </h1> </center> <center> <br> <a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a> </center> --- ## Resource Applications - Explore some potential units for planning/recon, etc -- - Good for winter time, safety reasons or quick eda --- ## Flow - Bring in units <img src="trexr_files/www/images/units.png" alt="Units" width="300px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:100px; bottom:20px"> -- - Extract CHM, stats, etc. <img src="trexr_files/www/images/extract.png" alt="Units" width="300px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:500px; bottom:20px"> -- - Visualise <img src="trexr_files/www/images/viz.png" alt="Units" width="300px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:900px; bottom:20px"> --- ## Stats - Some things that I've found useful are skewness, kurtosis and coefficient of variation (cv). -- <img src="trexr_files/www/images/skew.png" alt="Units" width="500px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:300px; bottom:100px"> -- <img src="trexr_files/www/images/kurtosis.png" alt="Units" width="500px" height="300px" style="position:absolute; left:300px; bottom:100px"> ---
--- ## How to get trexr - You can download the development version from github via []( -- <img src="trexr_files/www/images/trexr_gh.png" alt="Units" width="700px" height="400px" style="position:absolute; left:500px; bottom:20px"> - Or you can use with citrix! Follow these awesome [tutorials]( by Joe Fortier to get you going! -- - Documentation from NRGG coming soon. --- ## The End <img src='' class='center' height='350'>